Monday, February 23, 2009

Denver Butson is a great poet

What She Was Wearing
by Denver Butson

this is my suicide dress
she told him
I only wear it on days
when I'm afraid
I might kill myself
if I don't wear it

you've been wearing it
every day since we met
he said

and these are my arson gloves

so you don't set fire to something?

he asked


and this is my terrorism lipstick
my assault and battery eyeliner
my armed robbery boots

I'd like to undress you
he said
but would that make me an accomplice?

and today
she said I'm wearing
my infidelity underwear
so don't get any ideas

and she put on her nervous breakdown hat
and walked out the door

"What She Was Wearing" by Denver Butson from Illegible Address. © Luquer Street Press, 2004


Anonymous said...

I am so pleased that you posted this poem. I heard it this morning on public radio in Rochester, NY and I immediatley set about looking for it. I found it here and sent it to the kooky women I love and a few of the men who love them.
Rings true!

Anonymous said...

i am glad to see you are back in the blogosphere. i turn 21 tomorrow dontcha know. did you ever think it would come to this? all your babies, true and adopted, are practically grown ups! i'm in awe that we've made it this far. thank you for everything you've had to do with that.

Anonymous said...

Could someone please give me their take/interpretation of this poem. An ex-boyfriend sent it to me recently and I'm not sure what to make of it.

Puzzled but hopeful.