Monday, January 14, 2008

Young at Heart or Why can't we call it Old at Heart?

Young at Heart is an amazing chorus. Check out the video below and watch the trailer to the documentary here.

Here's what occurs to me. Why is it that we feel compelled to use the word "young" to represent the notion of lively, bold, talented, exciting, energetic, among other qualities of this group? Youth shouldn't own it.

BTW, I found the links to this info at Wintersong, a nice blog to visit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good question! And believe me, I dickered around with a lot of other terms when I was preparing this video for Wintersong. I finally gave up because it's the only thing I knew that everyone would accept and understand. It will take me awhile to get used to term "OLD" and relate it to myself, but I do hope it gets easier, and someday down the road more accepted. (Thanks for the link.)